Monday 22 April 2013

About me


This is my first ever Blog post. I have been reading Blogs for a long time now and never really built up the courage to write my own Blogs... until today for some unknown reason.

This first post is just to tell you a little about me and my life and then we shall go from there.

I am currently studying for my A'levels close to the end though (finally!). I am studying geography which i don't know why to be honest, i wouldn't be able to point many countries out on a map though. My other subjects are I.T and Sociology.

While studying i have a part time job which i love and enjoy going to work all the time. Its very rewarding and challenging. I only work part so around 8-10 hours a week.

At this stage in my life i have applied to go to university to study Primary Education and received my offers. Last month i had to make the most difficult and important decision in my life... Which was my top university. All i need to do now is work my ass off and get the results (fingers crossed there) and pass the Maths and English skills test :/

Anyway, back to why i am writing this in the first place. I thought it would be a great experience to meet new people. My Blog post will mainly be cosmetic review and possibly lifestyle i think we shall see how things go from here.

If you have any questions about my life, university, A'levels. Or you just want to chat feel free... I'm always up for a chat :)

Speak soon xxx

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